Meet Our Team



Jane Bourcet, Co-Rector
(250) 306-0191

Jane retired from working with All Saints Anglican Church in Vernon in 2017 after working with them on and off since she was ordained in 1983. A panicked call from the folks from St. Francis, who needed a priest to help out because theirs had fallen ill on a trip to the UK, morphed into a service once a month.  In September, 2022, her role morphed again, into part-time priest in charge of the parish along with Paul Martinson.

Jane is married to Rene and they have four grown children. She keeps busy outside the church with a never-ending renovation plus summer camping in a pretty terrific trailer. She is often found curled up in the corner of her sofa with a cup of tea and a book.


Paul Martinson, Co-Rector

Paul’s journey to St. Francis has evolved over a lifetime committed to Christian ministry.  Originally, Paul and his wife, Sandy, were commissioned as missionaries, church-planting an inter-denominational church with First Nations in Thunder Bay, Ontario.  Eventually, they joined Youth With A Mission (YWAM) and have served in Canada and around the world as cross-cultural Bible teachers, elders, and counsellors.  Over 20 years ago, they were looking for a liturgical church and checked out St. Francis for the first time. Sensing a challenge to serve as a part-time priest while everything was shifting during Covid shutdowns, Paul was ordained to the priesthood in 2021.

Paul’s big plan for the summer is to revamp the family garden, adding more growing area, upgrading raspberry and haskap plots, and creating some shade for the backyard patio.

Parish Council

Rectors’ Warden: Deb Mason
1 (403) 681-6991

People’s Warden:  Julie Halfnights
(604) 868-3046

Treasurer:  Bob Newby
(250) 470-9147

Secretary: open

Envelope Secretary:  Nonie Burk
(250) 766-5408

Altar Guild:  Marg Simonen

Anglican Church Women:  Doreen Muloin

Archivist:  Rosemary Carter

Buildings, Grounds & Landscape:  Eric Magel

Hall rentals:  Bob Newby & Kathy Gillespie

Bulletin Editor:  Kathy Gillespie

Synod Delegates:  Cyril Sukare & Jim Dawson

General Enquiries:(250)766-0919 or

The Parish Council takes care of the business side of parish life as well as determining the direction the parish will focus on in its life together. We meet once a month on the third Thursday.

Home Pastoral Care


Mary Beth Flom and Rod Johnston

The Pastoral Care Team is available to visit shut-ins and people in hospital, to take them the reserved sacrament and, if necessary, the oil for anointing.  We also offer laying on of hands for healing when requested.  Mary Beth Flom and Rod Johnston comprise the Team at present.  To arrange a visit, please contact Mary Beth at: or cell 778-821-3566 or home 778-753-3501.



Nonie Burk and Jim Dawson

St Francis is blessed with several talented organists: Nonie Burk and Jim Dawson, who play well known hymns most Sundays.  Other community musicians come in, from time to time, to provide different musical accompaniment to our worship.